Praying for our Community with our Children
One thing I love to do with my daughter is show her how to pray. Not just saying a prayer but actually going out in the community and praying for people. Our kids are our legacy. It is so critical to start them off knowing how to make true Kingdom Impact in the Church and in their community. This past weekend my daughter Lily and I went out to Barnes and Noble book store in our hometown of Champaign IL. On the way in there was a homeless man asking for help. I shouted down the sidewalk and said “ I am going to get you some food”. We picked up the book we came for and went to the cafe to get this man some food. We bought him a hot meal and some lemonade. Lily asked “Daddy, is that for you?” I explained to her who the food was for and why. We went outside and met the man. We kneeled down to his level and asked for him to share his story. His story is a sad one and his physical health was poor. His ankles were swollen and feet bandaged up. I asked the man “Can my daughter and I lay hands on your feet and ankles and pray for you?” He said yes. I looked to Lily and said “Lily let’s put our hands on his ankles and pray for healing” Lily was hesitant but she wanted to do what Daddy was doing. I invited the Holy Spirit and said “In Jesus name pain be gone!” Lily did the same. I asked the man to stand and walk around. He struggled to get up and his eyes got real huge! “The pain is gone!” The man said. I replied “Jesus just took your pain away!” The man had tears in his eyes as he said thank you. When Lily and I got in our van she asked “Why did you give him the food and pray for him?” I said he was hurting and homeless.” She asked what does homeless mean? I replied “he doesn’t have a home to go to.” She replies “We need to get him a home!” In that moment I realize how much a child has the image of our Father in Heaven. For us adults we say “It is not that simple.” However, our Father in Heaven saying “Let me get him a home.” Nothing is beyond our God. He can take away the physical pain and restore the situation. Teaching this to my daughter was such a joy. However, Lily demonstrating a child like faith was an even greater experience.